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The International Transport Law Review


The world of Maritime and Transportation Law is constantly changing and requires continuous updating for scholars and legal professionals of the field. Unlike in the past, however, in today’s global market it is no longer sufficient just to know and study the rules laid down by the regulations of our own country, but it is necessary to gain a comprehensive view of the entire international legal system.

To this end, it is increasingly essential to make use of tools that allow to know, in a comparative perspective, the new rules in force in the various countries, the evolution of the interpretation of legal doctrine and of court decisions, which get the role of significant precedent.

It is undeniable that there, today, exists the need of a collective and deep reflection on a multitude of disparate aspects concerning Maritime, Transport and International Trade Law, such to constantly generate an intense debate, both at national and international level.

For all these reasons, a small group of young scholars in this subject-matter, Dr. Massimiliano Musi, Dr. Mišo Mudrić, Dr. Arber Gjeta and Julia Constantino Chagas Lessa, decided to start a new journal review – the International Transport Law Review (ITL) – that aims, as its main objective, to provide an updated tool in order to allow the scholars and legal practitioners to orient themselves in such a complex world such as the International Maritime and Transport Law.

The goal is, furthermore, to offer the analysis of the key juridical figures of each legal system, in order to develop the reciprocal experiences, giving interesting hints to solve problems and generate new ideas.

The journal will consist of four issues per year, being published on-line; then, at the end of each year, a hard copy version, comprising of all four issues, will be released.

The Journal will publish, in accordance with the principle of “double blind” review process, not only doctrinal articles, but also the papers of the interested researchers that have been presented at the Congresses and Conferences on Maritime and Transport Law during the year.

Finally, the review will also contain a section devoted to the research of the PhD and LLM students, in order to leave room for the youngest scholars in our subject-matter. In this section, the Journal will provide regular updates on all institutions world-wide, that conduct scholarly research in the field of Maritime, Transport and International Trade Law.

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